Cassette Number Nine (www.cassettenine.com)
As far as I know The Happening first began at the Forest Cafe in 2001. It was my introduction. Chris Palmer was playing with projections and mirrors against a giant white sheet draped over the cafe's window while Dirk Markham played his famous one man band set with cymbals on his feet accompanied by his little yellow ukulele. I remember Chris was projecting a video of a man free falling through the sky, or was it a bird? I cant remember.
The happening has been a highlight of my year ever since.
Tim and I don't like missing out
so we made our own.
The Intergender Communication phone.
A Life size Resin cast Horse
The Touch Me room (By Melissa and Amber)
The Hypno Spin (By Tim and Jonas)
Real Time Projections (By Tes and Sam )
Performances By Victor Clune, The Amateur Autopsy, Sam Hamilton, Damian Golfinopoulis
and a lecture on life by Brett Alexander Armstrong.
Organised In Collaboration with Tim Boyd, Melissa Jenkins, Genista Jurgens, Jonas Besson, Amber Parkin.

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