Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Golan and Ryan" in collaboration with Naeema Zarif

Stop frame animation created in collaboration with Naeema Zarif.


"Golan and Ryan" contains an excerpt from a poem by Golan Haji. The audio was recorded at The Saifi Urban Gardens by Ryan Van Winkle as part of an interview for his Scottish Poetry Library Podcast.

you can listen to the full interview here:

One afternoon, on a rare occasion when Ryan had nothing to do, I took him out onto the streets of Beirut. I loved Jorgen Leth's reinterpretation of his own film "The Perfect Human" for Lars Von Trier's 5 Obstructions and was keen to make a similar portrait of Ryan as a young poet in Lebanon.

Naeema was leaving for Baghdad the next day to work on one of her creative advocacy projects. She joined us that evening, in time to see Ryan get his shirt off and paint an arabic translation of his poem "The Flood" on his chest.

for more information on Reel Festivals please visit:

East London Photomonth

Lunch Time at Bethels Beach with Trystan, Viktor, Juliette and Zhoe.

I don't really consider myself to be a photographer but if I was told I was going to die in a week the first thing I'd probably do is grab a camera. I'm not sure why. Seems like a complete waste of time. The same happens when I slip into alcohol induced amnesia.

My photo has been selected to take part in the exhibition "Blink", part of the East London Photomonth and curated by Jo Galvin ( It was taken while I was sober and very much alive. That is why i like it so.

The corresponding video will also receive its premier on the opening night. I am very excited about that.

"Blink" opens 
on the 3rd of November at The Long White Cloud, Hackney Rd.